domingo, 18 de novembro de 2012

When our financial situation is difficult, there is an opportunity to earn some money by visiting ads or reading emails.
It is not by browsing through these sites that you will be rich or make lots of money as some advertisements refer but if any comes ... is always better than nothing.
Just spend a few minutes a day to click on ads.

Free registrations are OK but has some limitations, Vip members have some benefits:
To increase earnings becoming a VIP member and/or acquire as referees as you can.
To facilitate payment, user must open an account with Paypal, Alert-pay or another and have a bank account to transfer money.

We should register in more than one site to increase earnings and monetize time clicks.
The following are some PTCs sites that I consider to be profitable.

Click the links below, become a member and start earning now!
Clixsense pay per view ads, tasks, offers and have a game where you can win up to $5.00.
FREE members can earn between $0.001 and $0.02 per click and have a commission of $0.0002 to $0.004 from referees clicks, the number of daily ads is about 10 and have 25 attempts in the game Clixgrid.
PREMIUM Members earn the same per click but have a commission of $0.0004 to $0.008 from referees clicks, the number of daily ads is about 20, and have 50 attempts in the game Clixgrid.
Join by clicking the image below


Publipt pay per click ads, by surfing, reading emails, subscribe services and visiting  Homepage. 
Free members, currently receive close to 100 point daily and 1 or 2 emails of 1 cent, navigation in advertising pages gives a point in every 30 sec, 5000 points can changed by 1€. When reach 30€ you can request payment. 
VIP members currently receive nearly 200 points on ads and 2-5 cents daily, on navigable pages you can earn 7 cent/hour. Change 4000 points to 1€. When reach 10 euros you can request payment.
You can buy referrals for 3€ each when available.

Join by clicking the image below pay per click ads, read emails, exchange visits, and give a commission of 0.001 to € 0.02 per click from referees. 
Referrals can be acquired or purchased for 0.7 € per referral.
Free members get fewer clicks and commissions of 10% on referees.
Request payment can only be carried out at 10 €.
VIP members, (1.8 € / month) or (18 € / year) receive more clicks and have some bonus services may receive between 25 to 60% of referee commissions.
Request payment can be done when reaches 5 €

Join by clicking the image below

Neobux pay per view ads, tasks or registrations, the daily value for standard members is approximately € 0.012 per view ads, you can increase earnings by performing tasks and / or by registering on the websites of advertisers. 
Request payment can be done when reaches $2,00. 
Registered members earn more per click, have more clicks to perform and earn a higher commission from referrals.

Join by clicking the image below